Daily Mail

Could this be Mr Cam-heron? Cheeky bird gets into No 10

- By Gerri Peev

WITH massive gates and armed police at the end of the road, it is one of the country’s most secure properties. No one crosses the threshold of 10 Downing Street without an appointmen­t. Unless, it seems, they’re a heron … This big bird flew into the entrance hall yesterday and peered uncertainl­y down at onlookers from his vantage point atop the famous glossy black door.

He also explored the hallway, walking the length of the carpeted entrance, as Downing Street staff sealed off adjoining rooms to stop him from venturing further into the building.

The bird had been frightened by a crow into taking shelter in the Prime Minister’s official residence, avoiding the policeman who usually is on duty outside and while Larry – No 10’s eight-year-old tabby – was elsewhere.

It was able to enter after the front door was left open, as it occasional­ly is on hot days.

Ramsey Jones, a Downing Street special adviser on Scotland, tweeted this picture of the invader, writing: ‘Guess what just flew into No 10?’

Mr Jones told the Daily Mail: ‘I was walking in and staff told me that the heron had flown inside because it was frightened by a crow outside. It was sitting quietly in the corner.

‘Somebody decided to close all the other doors except the front door to let it escape. It then flew to the top of the No 10 door, which is when I took that photo. It then hopped back out again.’ He added that despite being in a flap, the heron did not ‘lose its deposit’ and make a mess inside No 10.

Downing Street is close to St James’s Park and regularly attracts wildlife, thanks partly to the pond in its back garden.

 ??  ?? New tenant at No 10: The heron perches on the door. Inset: Exploring the hallway
New tenant at No 10: The heron perches on the door. Inset: Exploring the hallway

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