Daily Mail

It’s not just the Beeb that has Left-wing bias on TV


Morning TV is generally a load of drivel so, every so often, i end up catching some of The Wright Stuff on Channel 5. This programme should surely be retitled The Left Stuff. Matthew Wright’s biased Leftie political and generally liberal views are an embarrassm­ent, along with his choice of panellists, who are predominan­tly Left of Lenin. They spend day after day running down any Conservati­ve policy, despite the fact that a Conservati­ve government was voted in by the electorate. The other morning was a typical example of their skewed views: they all prattled on about MPs not deserving their salaries, which are three times the average wage, and asking if an MP could live on £26,000 a year, while failing to mention that not one of them is living on £26,000 a year, particular­ly Wright, who as a television presenter is no doubt ‘surviving’ on an income vastly in excess of what MPs get. Talk about champagne socialists with their high-and-mighty mantra of ‘Do as i say, not as i do’! Yet again the subject of drugs and legal highs was discussed the other morning and you could put money on it that the discussion wouldn’t be long under way before Wright was talking up the use of drugs and stating that tobacco and alcohol kill more people. one of his panel pointed out that you don’t die from smoking one cigarette or having one drink but, bang on cue, Wright tried to say that you could die from having one drink if you had a car accident. What this man with his Leftish views fails to discuss is the amount of crime committed relating to drugs. There are frequent reports of crimes which have been committed, often involving injury or even death to the victim, where drug addicts have robbed people to get their next fix. How many incidents have occurred where someone has committed similar crimes to get the money for their next drink or next cigarette? i’ve never seen any reported. We often hear talk of reining in the BBC’s Left-wing and liberal views — but there are other channels which are every bit as bad.

MIKE WRIGHT, Calcot, Reading, Berks.

 ??  ?? Embarrasse­d by C5’s liberal pundits: Mike Wright
Embarrasse­d by C5’s liberal pundits: Mike Wright

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