Daily Mail

Travel chiefs who play the blame game

MPs move to call Thomas Cook to account


LABOUR MP Mary Creagh has tabled a Parliament­ary motion condemning the actions of holiday firm Thomas Cook after the death of Christi and Bobby Shepherd nine years ago.

Creagh, who is one of the candidates hoping to lead the Labour party, has been supporting the grieving Shepherd parents since their children died because of a faulty boiler which was leaking carbon monoxide in Corfu in 2006.

Yesterday the MP for Wakefield called for the Early Day Motion to lead a Europe-wide campaign for improved carbon monoxide safety.

With the reputation of Thomas Cook in tatters, a blame game has ensued among the present and former executives who failed the family for nearly a decade.

Creagh says: ‘Thomas Cook’s treatment of the family has been disgracefu­l. Successive chief executives did not meet with the family, they failed to stop the people convicted of Christi and Bobby’s manslaught­er being re- employed in Thomas Cook hotels. Thomas Cook even tried to stop the inquest into the children’s deaths taking place.’

Those who have led the travel firm over the past nine years have tried to deflect their failings by highlighti­ng the shortcomin­gs of colleagues.

Thomas Cook’s present chief executive Peter Fankhauser met with severe criticism earlier this month when he told the Coroner’s inquest that Thomas Cook had ‘nothing to apologise for’.

But last week he finally apologised saying he was ‘deeply sorry’ over the children’s death. Thomas Cook donated £1.5m to Unicef and plans to make a further donation to grieving parents Sharon Wood and Neil Shepherd’s favourite charities.

Meanwhile, former chief executive Harriet Green this week said she will give a third of any share bonus she receives next month to a charity of the family’s choice.

She has been criticised for not meeting with the family during her time at the firm and received a bonus of up to 7.2m shares, worth around £10.5m, after her sudden departure last November. It also emerged that on her watch the legal team involved in leading Thomas Cook’s case for the inquest had tried to stop the inquest into the children’s deaths taking place.

Despite Green deciding to give away a third of her share bonus, her advisers claim it was the legal team led by general counsel Craig Stoehr, not her, who controlled the company’s stance toward the tragedy.

It has also been claimed that she was going to apologise at the inquest – if she had not left the firm – and that she had planned to approach the family which the chairman advised against. She also claims she did try to make contact with the family and sent two letters.

Green is an easy target because of her glamorous photo shoots and huge pay packet. She is credited with Thomas Cook’s turnaround after three profit warnings under Fontenla- Novoa. She courted the media with stories of 5.30am gym sessions and controvers­ial comments on everything from working mothers to overweight staff. It also appears she was not well liked by staff.

A story on industry website Travel Weekly was met with multiple comments from anonymous former Thomas Cook staff who claim Green would invite staff for ‘champagne with Harriet’ to ‘single one out and humiliate her or him in front of the others’ while another claimed she was obsessed with ‘Brand Harriet’.

THE buck stopped at Green’s door when she was chief executive, even if she now tries to deflect the blame to the legal team, but the leadership of chairman Frank Meysman is also coming under scrutiny.

Meysman was chairman since 2011 and questions have been raised about why he did not advise the company to apologise to the family sooner.

Equally, Stoehr, as the group’s chief lawyer, led the legal team that ultimately advised the company not to apologise and attempted to stop the inquest altogether. But neither Stoehr, Meysman, Green nor Fankhauser were running the company when the children died.

Fontenla-Novoa ran the UK business then and became group chief executive the year after. He remained silent at the inquest, did not answer any questions and has been quiet since. Thomas Cook failed in its attempt to clawback payments made to Fontenla-Novoa in 2011 when he left the company in such bad financial shape so it is unlikely that he will be forced into any grand gestures of charitable donations like Green now.

Creagh’s Early Day Motion calls on Thomas Cook to review Green’s settlement and calls on Thomas Cook to install carbon monoxide alarms in all their holiday accommodat­ion where gas is present.

Various social media campaigns have called for consumers to boycott Thomas Cook over its behaviour.

Thomas Cook has said its pay committee is reviewing the payout due to Green which could range between 4.1 million shares and 7.2 million and a decision will be made next month.

The apologies and donations are coming thick and fast but even when the blame game ends the reputation­al damage to Thomas Cook will be harder to recover from.

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