Daily Mail

Cereal offender! Woman eats brekkie at wheel


THIS woman is clearly determined to have her breakfast come hell, high water – or rush-hour. After all, it is the most important meal of the day.

But eating it at the wheel of her car in heavy traffic turned out to be a very bad idea.

Cycling instructor David Williams happened to be riding past and he almost fell off his bike in astonishme­nt when he spotted the woman tucking into a bowl of cereal as she drove her Land Rover Discovery.

When he challenged her, she just shrugged and drove off – still clutching the bowl. Mr Williams, 47, said: ‘She looked like a normal, everyday mum on the school run.

‘Then I saw her putting spoonfuls of cereal in her mouth holding the wheel with one hand.

‘It was bonkers. I think maybe it was porridge or muesli. She was coming up to a junction and there was a lot going on around her and the view in front of her wasn’t great. It was dangerous.’

The father of two filmed the woman on a helmet camera in Hampton Court, South-West London, at 8.45am on Tuesday. The video, which he posted on YouTube, shows him knocking on the window to tell her: ‘Put that down.

‘You’re on camera. I’ve got your number. Absolutely ridiculous. You’re a bloody danger.’ After Mr Williams, from nearby Surbiton, gave the footage to Surrey Police, he said: ‘I don’t feel she should be able to get away with this.’ Hun- dreds have criticised the driver after watching the video. One said: ‘It is insane. Still, she’s in that big car so I’m sure she’ll be fine.’

Do you know the driver? Email us at news@dailymail.co.uk.

 ??  ?? Making a meal of it: The unidentifi­ed woman can clearly be seen clutching her breakfast while steering the £50,000 car with one hand
Making a meal of it: The unidentifi­ed woman can clearly be seen clutching her breakfast while steering the £50,000 car with one hand
 ??  ?? Caught in the act: She looks up as the cyclist taps on the window and remonstrat­es with her
Caught in the act: She looks up as the cyclist taps on the window and remonstrat­es with her
 ??  ?? What’s that? David Williams spots the woman as he cycles towards the car
What’s that? David Williams spots the woman as he cycles towards the car

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