Daily Mail

The wrong path


A more traditiona­l voice, especially from the Middle East, needs to be voiced on ‘God the Mother’. The views of Women And The Church — aka Watch — would be thought farcical by persecuted Christians (Mail).

Would any Watch member be willing to lay down her life for her faith, as thousands of Christian women in the Middle East do every day? Would any of those female priests or bishops swap their colourful garments for the rags of their fellow Middle Eastern Christians who flee Islamic State?

Watch members know their faith won’t be put to the test and so have the luxury of bending the teachings to suit their feminist agenda.

Let’s hear from any Watch member who has ventured to visit coreligion­ists in the Middle East and asked them how they feel about ‘our Mother who art in Heaven’.

Middle Eastern churches sorted the position of women from a theologica­l

viewpoint in the early days of Christiani­ty. Traditiona­lists, who believe in the saints, consider St Mary, queen of all saints, the Queen of Heaven. The Virgin Mary has the highest position among all humans, male and female.

in the Coptic Church — the Church of egypt — almost every church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary plus another saint or angel.

real freedom for women is freedom of conscience. during the two revolution­s in egypt, in 2011 and 2013, a leading role was taken by women, including Muslim women who revolted against Sharia law.

Watch members should learn about faith from women in the Middle east rather than acting as if they alone are holy. They should look, too, at their Muslim sisters and try to embrace them rather than repel them by narrow-minded feminist thoughts.

Those who fought for women’s ordination pointed to ‘ empty church pews’. Have women priests filled them? Watch members should stop destroying the Church of england.

Dr AHMES L. PAHOR, Harborne, Birmingham.

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