Daily Mail

Forget Botox! Pull FUNNY FACES to beat wrinkles

It’s the natural way to keep the years at bay — a muscle-toning workout for your face


Eva says she gets referrals from cosmetic surgeons if they feel their clients might benefit before, or even avoid altogether, the need for surgery. Cosmetic dermatolog­ist Dr David Fenton is a fan. He says: ‘From what I’ve seen of Eva’s work, there is no doubt it appears to have some effect. I’ve had patients who have been to her, and it is obvious there is a visible change.’

Eva has published a book and DVD and has 11 trained teachers around the world. One such protege is 58-year- old Carolyne Robinson who teaches Eva’s methods in the Midlands.

‘I was 49 when I heard about Eva and was becoming painfully aware that the next decade was when things were likely to start heading south,’ she says. ‘I’m very keen on natural health and wellbeing and I certainly wasn’t going to contemplat­e Botox or surgery. But it seemed logical to me that if you’re looking after your body, you should do what you can to look after your face.’

‘A “workout” for my facial muscles in a bid to slow the ageing process seemed like a very natural piece in the anti-ageing jigsaw puzzle. In fact, it’s probably the most important piece, because your face is the part that everyone looks at.’

Carolyne says she is very discipline­d about practising her exercises, ten minutes a day, five days a week. ‘This is an exercise regime, not a magic potion,’ she adds.

‘They may look very strange, but they never hurt. My daughters [both in their mid-20s] are fascinated and very keen to learn, too.’

SHEsays the change in her complexion was subtle at first, with the most striking impact being a ‘glow’, possibly resulting from the circulatio­n boost.

‘People would say: ‘ Gosh, you look well — have you been on holiday? That really lifts your selfconfid­ence, which, in turn, shines out of your face.

‘I frequently receive compliment­s as to how well I look or how good my skin tone is, and I’d like to think I look nearer 50 than 60.’

For Anne, the ultimate validation occurred a few years ago when she was caught up in a road traffic accident and got thrown across a bus. As she lay semi-conscious and injured on the floor, she overheard the bus driver talking to paramedics on the phone.

‘He was running through the list of casualties,’ she says, ‘and when he came to me I distinctly heard him describing me as being “about 40”.

‘I was 59 at the time and couldn’t have been more delighted.’

Visit: www.evafraser.com

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