Daily Mail

British Gas doubles its profits ... but owners plan to axe 6,000 jobs

- By Sean Poulter Consumer Affairs Editor

BRITISH Gas announced yesterday that its profits had doubled while its parent company is to slash 6,000 jobs.

The profit bonanza came after Britain’s biggest energy company failed to pass on falling wholesale prices to customers struggling to pay for heat and light.

It also cashed in on the fact the country went through a colder winter than the year before, which meant people left their central heating on for longer.

Wholesale energy prices – how much it costs the supplier to generate gas and electricit­y – fell by more than 20 per cent last winter compared to the year before, but the firm’s 11million customers saw no reduction in bills to reflect this fact.

Profits at British Gas for the first six months of this year were £528million, which was up some 99 per cent from £265million in the same period last year.

British Gas made a 5 per cent reduction on gas tariffs in the spring and has prom- ised another cut of 5 per cent – again on gas only – in September. But critics say these are both too little and too late.

Ann Robinson, consumer policy director at uSwitch, said: ‘Wholesale prices, which make up around half of energy bills, have plunged to their lowest level in five years. Suppliers must do the right thing by passing on savings to help consumers, who are struggling with bills which are £700 a year higher than they were ten years ago.’

The profit at British Gas’s parent company, Centrica, was £1billion, a 3 per cent fall on the same period last year.

It suffered because it is also involved in the supply of gas from the North Sea and electricit­y from its own power stations and wind farms, where income fell because of lower wholesale prices.

Centrica has decided to radically restructur­e the business, moving away from exploratio­n and the supply of power at a wholesale level towards selling energy to families and businesses. As a result it is cutting 6,000 jobs – most of these related to its North Sea activities – but 2,000 people will be hired in new areas, giving a net loss of 4,000 jobs. Some of the new jobs will come in customer service at British Gas.

About half of the job losses are expected to come through compulsory redundanci­es, while the rest will be through natural turnover in the workforce.

Centrica chief executive Iain Conn accepted there had been a big jump in profits, but said the figure would fall back in the second half of the year. He said the decision to cut staff was a difficult one, adding: ‘We don’t take decisions like this lightly. We will treat people the right way.’

City – Page 72

‘Suppliers must do the right thing’

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