Daily Mail



Those who say today’s Full Moon is ‘blue’ cite the fact that it is the second Full Moon in July. But that’s just a quirk of the calendar, which is an artificial construct. You can’t interpret it as a cosmic sign or signal. Astrologer­s would be more inclined to define a Blue Moon as two successive Full Moons in the same zodiac sign, regardless of the month. But whatever the official colour of this Full Moon, it is powerful because of alignments that it will create with Neptune and Pluto. That suggests a weekend when destinies can be fulfilled.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 PSYCHOLOGI­STS have proved that our memories can be unreliable. We may recall the odd event in perfect detail, but we forget far more than we retain. Perhaps because we feel a little ashamed of this apparent failure, we become suggestibl­e. Someone says: ‘This happened, didn’t it?’ If they sound convincing, and if we can’t clearly remember why they must be wrong, we accept that view. We may even embrace and embellish it. This weekend, you get closer to a surprising truth about your past. This week’s Full Moon has a powerful message for you. To hear your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21 ‘BAD things happen to some people, some of the time.’ There. I have said it. So, now that you know how unafraid your astrologer is of confrontin­g a discouragi­ng truth, are you willing to believe me when I assure you that no dark clouds are gathering on your horizon? While not everything in every garden is rosy, the overwhelmi­ng majority of us experience protection, safety and even sublime serendipit­y. There is no need to plan your weekend around the assumption that something is sure to go wrong. Much will improve between now and the August New Moon. For a short reading based on your date of birth, call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22 WE ARE not supposed to argue with judges, doctors or our paymasters. If such authority figures didn’t already exist, we would surely have to invent them, so strong is the human urge to kowtow. And in an epitomic example of serendipit­ous symbiosis, the folk who hold high office love to parade their power with pride. They need to feel they are right, every bit as much as, for some perverse reason, we need them to look down haughtily upon us. Even so, don’t believe all the experts tell you this weekend! This week’s Full Moon has a powerful message for you. To hear your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23 IS TONIGHT’S Full Moon a Blue Moon? And if so, given that your sign is ruled by the Moon, can you expect a weekend full of amazing opportunit­y, delightful surprise and rare magic? Well, actually, why shouldn’t all that and more be on your agenda? Isn’t this planet Earth? Isn’t it a wonderful place, full of wonderful people where wonderful things can happen at any time and, indeed, frequently do — albeit that we take them for granted. If this weekend, you appreciate the ordinary, it may yet bring an extraordin­ary result. Much will improve between now and the August New Moon. For a short reading based on your date of birth, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23 WHAT do we know about the people we know? Not as much as we may think! But then neither do we always know ourselves quite as well as we imagine. People are unpredicta­ble. And one or two, to our surprise, can turn out to be deceptivel­y shallow. You’re learning a lot about what a certain someone is really made of — and discoverin­g too, more about another person’s nature. Celebrate the inspiring side of what you learn this weekend. And don’t worry too much about the rest. This week’s Full Moon has a powerful message for you. To hear your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23 YOU can make a connection. You can build a bridge. You can heal a wound, mend a rift and repair a broken bond this weekend. Not only can you help others and be a constructi­ve influence in a part of your world where there’s too often conflict, but you can do yourself a significan­t favour, too. For some while, you have had divided loyalties and confused emotions about a sensitive situation. But in keeping one option open, you’ve been closing off another. Now can come clarity, strength and certainty. Much will improve between now and the August New Moon. For a short reading based on your date of birth, call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 SOME people don’t behave very responsibl­y. Aren’t they old enough to know better? Or might an impaired ability to access the ethos of adulthood be a small price to pay for unfettered access to the fountain of eternal youth? This weekend, you may have to consider whether you want to stay forever young or if you are ready to make a choice that reflects natural maturity? It has to be your own choice, of course. But remember, true wisdom is timeless and so, too, are those who prioritise it! This week’s Full Moon has a powerful message for you. To hear your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22 ARGUMENTS rage about how many more resources the police should have and where these ought to be deployed. But on one point at least, there’s agreement. Given the surprising­ly low number of law officers, it’s amazing there isn’t a lot more crime. The reason for this is that most people are self-policing. So deep is our natural respect for law and order that we stop ourselves transgress­ing any rules we are aware of. And it’s probably just as well there’s a limit to what you can let yourself get away with this weekend! Much will improve between now and the August New Moon. For a short reading based on your date of birth, call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21 YOU must do this before you do that. If that comes before this, then this won’t work and that won’t do what you need it to do. You feel you must not allow yourself to feel even slightly relaxed or you may risk losing your mood of determined concentrat­ion, ending up back where you started from, or worse, even further behind. Although ‘that feeling’ and ‘the reality of your situation’ are not as closely connected as you fear, the best thing you could do now, is worry less and trust more. This week’s Full Moon has a powerful message for you. To hear your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20 THERE’S not a move that a human being can make that another human can’t criticise. There’s something very ‘human’ about finding fault. Yet there’s something even more ‘human’ about finding forgivenes­s. When we praise, trust, encourage, support and sympathise with each other, we transcend our petty problems and allow our inner angels to spread their wings and fly. You don’t have to be nice to anyone this weekend. But if you want to change an unsatisfac­tory situation, it’s a good place to start! Much will improve between now and the August New Moon. For a short reading based on your date of birth, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19 SO, IS this a Blue Moon? Whatever it is, it is your Moon. It is in your sign. It is, depending on how you want to look at it, a celestial spotlight providing all the attention you could ever want to bask in — or a light that leaves you no place to hide. But you do have somewhere to hide because you can always use the fact that others find you hard to understand. They’re as unsure of you as some of us are about whether or not this Full Moon is a Blue one. But for you, at least, this weekend, ambiguity works to your advantage. This week’s Full Moon has a powerful message for you. To hear your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 ARE we all assembled? Is there anyone here who shouldn’t be? Is the door shut? OK. I hereby declare this meeting of the Piscean Appreciati­on Society open. Sisters and brothers, fellow members, you know why we have had to convene this session. Reports are coming in about Pisceans who are not getting the appreciati­on they deserve. It has to stop. You are worth more. Aren’t you? Oh come along now, agree please. Only if you do, will the reason for this meeting become redundant this weekend! Much will improve between now and the August New Moon. For a short reading based on your date of birth, call 0906 751 5612.

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