Daily Mail



Hi Jonathan, I know this is an odd request, but I’m wondering if you could focus this week’s Scorpio stars on the suggestion that a recent choice is the wrong one. The person born under this sign should follow love with their soulmate, not what everyone else wants! Anonymous Dear Anonymous, I have ‘redacted’ your name (and changed the zodiac sign) because I’m sure you didn’t intend your letter for publicatio­n. I sympathise deeply with your desperate wish to get someone to change their mind about something… but I’m afraid the cheque that you enclosed wasn’t large enough!

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 AS A writer, I am only too aware of how carefully chosen words need to be. Simply by altering the structure of a sentence we can inadverten­tly infer a meaning that was never intended. As an astrologer, I can confirm the positions of the planets are a kind of heavenly language. We read meaning into the slightest nuance of their every interactio­n. There are several ways to interpret your current cosmic outlook, but all these today point to a reason to relax, not a factor to be afraid of. Your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart and lift your spirits. For four minutes of good news, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21 IS IT ever truly possible to pull a rabbit from a hat? Why, of course! Illusionis­ts do it all the time. (Or at least they did before the animal protection league got on their case). Those magicians are aware of the great lengths of deception they have to go to if this is to look like a miracle. A trick is amazing only until you know how it is done. Or is it? Aren’t some things just as delightful, regardless of whether we happen to have an explanatio­n? Never mind how something good has come about today, just be glad of it. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. For inspiratio­n, call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22 I’VE been talking about how easy it is to join societies that are seemingly exclusive. Not all barriers are defensivel­y maintained. Often, the slightest suggestion that something is appropriat­e for one person but not for another will be enough to deter many potential applicants. None of us want to go where we aren’t wanted. Yet it seems today that you are wanted somewhere — or that you can very easily play an active part in a process that you might once have felt excluded from. Much will improve between now and the November New Moon. For a reading based on your exact date of birth, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 —July 23 WE LEARN from experience. That is the saving grace of the human race. We don’t just keep repeating the same old mistakes — or do we? Once in a while, it seems, we learn from a wrong experience. Something turns out badly and we assume that it will always have an unfortunat­e outcome. When that turns out to be a false hypothesis, we should be glad. Consider, today, what you have lately discovered. A mere, minor, adjustment to an old plan or policy is enough to make a world of difference. Your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart and lift your spirits. For four minutes of good news, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July24 — Aug 23 WHEN there are mountains to climb or oceans to cross, we can be forgiven for feeling daunted. We need deep determinat­ion if we are ever to get beyond those obstacles. Yet not all difficulti­es are as impossible as they may appear. From a distance, a hill can look like a mountain and a lake can seem like a sea. For various reasons that we have been alluding to here in the past few days, you have been encouraged to believe that one goal is well nigh unattainab­le. You may be able to reach it after all. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. For inspiratio­n, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO THEY say you can’t Aug 24 — Sep 23 judge a book by its cover. So why have they yet to say anything about whether you can judge a person by the image they have put up on Tinder and the number of swipes left or right this has received. Probably this is because they are dumbstruck with amazement that anyone can engage in such a hollow, puerile process of evaluation! It is amazing how dumb some of us can be, even when we imagine ourselves to be displaying great cleverness. Be smarter than that today. Much will improve between now and the November New Moon. For a reading based on your exact date of birth, call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 ‘I NEVER thought that something like this would happen, even in my wildest dreams…’ We say things like this to express surprise. Such statements may be true but, as we frequently fail to remember even some of our tamest dreams, who knows how many wild dreams we may have had and then forgotten? You may or may not be surprised by what is starting to happen in your life. But though it may seem dream-like, it is potentiall­y positive and powerful, even if it does seem slightly wild. Your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart and lift your spirits. For four minutes of good news, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 —Nov 22 ‘I SEE friends shaking hands. Saying “How do you do?” They’re really saying “I love you”.’ So go the words of What A Wonderful World. It is credited to Bob Thiele and George Weiss, who, we are told, wrote it for Louis Armstrong. Tomorrow, we will discuss a rumour that this may not be so. For today, let’s dwell on the idea that people care more about each other and feel more affection than they often let on. This may be a wonderful world, but is it really that wonderful? Actually, today, it may be. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. For inspiratio­n, call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21 FOLK may be nice to each other’s faces, but sometimes they are nasty behind one another’s backs. With a few selfdeprec­ating exceptions, we think of ourselves as heroes or heroines. We justify every mistake we’ve made and keep a tally of the good deeds we have done. Others look at us and see only our most recent error or the accusation someone else is levelling at us, no matter how unfair this may be. You have every reason to be proud of yourself, so you can afford to be humble! Much will improve between now and the November New Moon. For a reading based on your exact date of birth, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20 IF YOU don’t know what you are doing, how can you be sure what will happen next? Unless, that is, you are deliberate­ly experiment­ing. Some people just treat their lives as sailing boats. They hoist a sail up their psychologi­cal mast and then let the random wind take them where it will, trusting that wherever they end up, they will be able to make the most of things. Either seize control today and accept all the stress that goes with this, or let go and trust that a benign universe knows what you need. Your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart and lift your spirits. For four minutes of good news, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19 EVEN if we are adventurou­s enough to let life teach us a lesson, we generally prefer to study in a structured environmen­t. Where there are too many tricky questions, we may never be entirely sure of our answers. If you want to make the progress that the cosmos now insists is attainable, you must step outside of your comfort zone. Remember, though, that if all the time you are outside of this, you are secretly making sure you don’t lose sight of a way to return to it, you haven’t really left it! Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. For inspiratio­n, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 ACTIONS may speak louder than words, but some of us can talk a mighty fine-sounding action! We can make it sound as if we are doing just what needs to be done. We can explain everything and promise as much as anyone would ever wish to feel reassured about. When words talk louder than actions, folk become dreadfully confused. Today’s challenge involves separating what is being said from what is actually being done. To make that distinctio­n efficientl­y, you may have to look more carefully and listen less. Much will improve between now and the November New Moon. For a reading based on your exact date of birth, call 0906 751 5612.

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