Daily Mail

Are we really on the brink of another financial meltdown?

As RBS warns clients to ‘sell everything’

- by Alex Brummer CITY EDITOR

THE new year is off to a disastrous start for investors and for policymake­rs, with more than £1.5trillion£1.5 trillion wiped off share values around the world.

One of Britain’s biggest financial groups, the Royal Bank of Scotland, is so spooked that its top strategist has warned people to ‘sell (mostly) everything’ because the situation is ‘very dangerous for every investor in the world’.

Even George Osborne’s former economic guru Rupert harrison has pronounced that Britain, and the Chancellor’s economic fortunes, are ‘at the mercy of the global economy’.

It may not yet be a ‘Lehman moment’ — the investment banking collapse that precipitat­ed the crash of 2008-9 and the deep recession which followed — but indication­s that world prosperity is on a precipice grow more ominous by the day.

Of course, there is always a danger that we will end up talking ourselves into another recession; that if enough people say it is going to happen, it will. But to my mind we have reached a genuinely dangerous pass which threatens everyone from the biggest multinatio­nals to the pensions and investment­s of millions of ordinary Britons.

The main source of disruption is the collapse in oil prices over the past 18 months, allied to the sharp slowdown in China, the world’s second largest economy. Add to that the U.S. decision to raise its key interest rate in December — meaning it is more expensive for businesses to borrow money — and you end up with deeply destabilis­ing conditions.


If the global economy was in robust health, it would be better equipped to withstand these shocks. But much of the recent ‘bull run’ in the markets has been built on a bubble of confidence engendered by the relentless printing of money — quantitati­ve easing — in the UK, Europe, Japan and America. Dig a little deeper and, in terms of genuine growth in manufactur­ing and so on, as opposed to, say, technology stocks, the picture is less rosy.

Amid this turmoil, Britain’s robust recovery is showing the first signs of stalling, after two years when it has enjoyed some of the fastest growth in the advanced world.

Industrial output fell sharply in the final months of 2015, our trade balance is deteriorat­ing, and even the services sector is showing signs of stress.

The UK’s open economy and financial system make it highly vulnerable to internatio­nal events, and the fear must be that business confidence, followed by the consumer spending so vital to an expanding economy, will start to drain away.


The calamitous decline in the oil price over the past 18 months, by more than 75 per cent, ought to be good for oil-importing nations such as Britain because it now amounts to a tax cut worth an astonishin­g £5.5 billion a day worldwide, putting money into the pockets of consumers and firms alike.

If history were to be the guide, it should trigger a boom rather than a bust.

Low oil prices should mean it’s cheaper to drive cars, to heat homes, to run factories, manufactur­e goods and so on. But the dizzying speed of the fall has been deeply unsettling for financial markets and the firms that both trade in and rely on oil.

That is why confidence has leached away from the global economy, allied to the bitter geopolitic­al power struggle which has done so much to depress prices.

The collapse from more than $100 to around $30 a barrel is the result of a destructiv­e armwrestle between Saudi Arabia, America and Iran, who are all seeking to produce ever more oil and gas to try to damage the interests of the others by forcing the price down.

The main factor is the abundant gas and oil being extracted in the U.S. by ‘fracking’. For the first time in decades the U.S. will soon be exporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Britain. A second big change is in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia, which has the world’s largest reserves, has been pumping oil relentless­ly at low prices to keep economic pressure on Iran. But now sanctions on Iran are being lifted after the agreement reached with the U.S. and other powers, including Britain, for the mullahs to halt their nuclear programme, it, too, is about to step up its oil production.

Thus these oil- exporting giants are in a race to the bottom in terms of energy prices.

At the turn of the year, the worst-case projection­s were for the oil price to fall to $20 a barrel. The latest projection from Standard Chartered, a British bank with big commodity interests, is $10 a barrel.

If these levers of internatio­nal finance sound far removed from the lives of British consumers, this week a nasty shock brought home the human cost. BP, one of the big North Sea oil producers, says it is to cut 4,000 jobs worldwide, including 600 in the UK. These cutbacks mean it will have lost 20 per cent of its workforce in Scotland by 2017.

Given the wildly optimistic projection­s for oil revenues the SNP used to argue that Scotland could be financiall­y independen­t, the plunge in prices would have delivered economic Armageddon north of the border had Nicola Sturgeon won the referendum in 2014.

While some savings — though not enough — are being passed on to motorists, the downward spiral is causing huge damage on financial markets.

In the U.S. alone, some 15 per cent of the quarter of a trillion dollars of loans made to energy firms are now in default. On the London Stock Exchange, the share prices of BP and Shell have collapsed by 40 per cent, and several smaller producers look to be heading for bankruptcy unless investors are prepared to bail them out.

Then there is the China problem. Recent convulsion­s on the stock markets in Shanghai and hong Kong were no accident. China’s economy is slowing more rapidly than anyone expected, and demand from the People’s Republic for raw materials, from oil to copper and other commoditie­s, has fallen off a cliff.

The turmoil has been made worse by China’s clumsy attempts to interfere with free markets by closing down trading when share prices become too volatile, slapping restrictio­ns on brokers and even taking some of them into custody for questionin­g.

On top of this, many Western strategist­s have become fearful that official Chinese growth numbers, showing expansion at 6.5 per cent, are wildly exaggerate­d, and manufactur­ing output is contractin­g alarmingly.

The result is that many economies are in deep trouble. Russia is in recession, with the rouble falling to new lows by the day, and South Africa is hurting badly from the commodity collapse: its currency, the rand, is in freefall. Only India shows signs of bucking the trend.

Meanwhile, efforts to kickstart the eurozone economy are failing to lift the region out of stagnation. The European Central Bank is engaged in emergency actions, including printing € 60 billion of new money each month, and even negative interest rates, designed to encourage banks to lend money to businesses.


Despite this, two of its biggest members, France and Italy, are still in the slump which began with the Greek crisis in 2009-10, then spread to the rest of the region.

When financial markets are in turmoil, as they have been at the start of this year, the fallout becomes infectious. Businesses find it harder to raise funds; investment decisions are postponed. The relentless drumbeat of poor economic assessment­s feeds through to consumer confidence, and people hoard money rather than spend it, which only adds to the cycle of gloom.

Britain has not quite reached that point, and the West may eventually feel the benefit of lower oil prices. But that is not happening yet, and the combinatio­n of a sharp 5 per cent fall in the FTSE 100 and the pound’s fall to the lowest level in six years on the internatio­nal money exchanges, signal grave perils ahead.

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