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Dear Jonathan, The recent proof of gravitatio­nal waves made me think: do we look to the planets to tell us which parallel universe we are in? Bran Dear Bran, There may be a parallel universe in which I understand your question. Or even a world in which, even if I don’t understand it, I at least understand why you asked. As far as I know, there is no suggestion that gravitatio­nal waves are linked to parallel universes. We astrologer­s have enough on our plate making prediction­s about the only world that we know, for sure, we are actually in!

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

YOU have more gifts and abilities than you know. Think back to some of the activities that you used to have an affinity for before other demands on your time and energy took your attention elsewhere. Not only could you rediscover these, you might also find that many other options and opportunit­ies are open to you. You’ve got a lot on your plate now, of course. You can’t just idly amble through a field of ifs and maybes. But don’t underestim­ate the extent and value of your own resourcefu­lness today. Treat yourself to some valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call your personal Moon-sign forecast: 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

‘FROM tiny acorns mighty oaks grow.’ That’s what they say, and it is true. But not all tiny acorns make it to oak-hood. We can never be entirely sure which will spring up tall and which, even after showing initial promise, will wither away. With that in mind, we should look at the small seed of hope that has lately been sown in your life. Do you fear a moment has been missed and a chance has passed you by? Or are you projecting a negative expectatio­n on a situation that should not yet be judged? Change your life with a spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth now! Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

THE trouble with negativity is that it is self-perpetuati­ng. It works like the porridge pot in the old children’s story. The more you reach into it, the more it provides you with. But this porridge is not nutritious. It is bad for you and for anyone else who happens to taste it. I know that I’m going to sound as if I’m insulting your intelligen­ce if, on top of telling you fairy stories, I now just advise you to cheer up and be positive. But it is what you need to hear — and it is all you need to hear. Cheer up! Be positive! Treat yourself to some valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call your personal Moon-sign forecast: 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

THERE is a special name for people who give up their power and allow others to tell them what to do. You, though, wouldn’t know that name. That’s not the kind of mistake that you ever make, is it? Even if it is, it is not a permanent one. You may go through phases during which you allow others to get the better of you, but once in a while, you stand up for yourself. The rest of us learn to respect you and many things rightly improve. A spot of self-assertion, today, is about to produce a hasty capitulati­on. Change your life with a spookily accurate Moonsign forecast. Dial in your date of birth now! Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

WE CAN’T, it seems, make a purchase these days, without being hounded by requests for feedback. Was it as expected? How would you rate the service? Everyone, it seems, is keen to ensure they have the best reviews. So, what about the creator of the cosmos? Does he, she or it seek star ratings from the humans that have been placed on this Earth in accordance with their grand design? Today’s events, despite recent concerns, may yet inspire you to give high marks and high praise! Treat yourself to some valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call your personal Moon-sign forecast: 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

A DROP of oil on the surface of a large body of water can spread until it becomes a thin film that stretches a very long way. We often underestim­ate the impact that something little can have on something big. We may, for example, see ourselves as small cogs in great machines, but it takes only one component to fail and an entire device may become inoperativ­e. There may be some uncertaint­y now about the extent of your power. Really, though, it is unwise and inaccurate to see yourself as small. Change your life with a spookily accurate Moonsign forecast. Dial in your date of birth now! Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

‘IF YOU keep your head below the parapet, you won’t become a target.’ That, we are informed, is what soldiers once told each other. Yet when we make too many defensive moves we compromise our ability to attack. We neutralise our own instinct to act assertivel­y. We fall out of the habit of being bold, thus it becomes difficult to show courage. Sometimes, there is a case to be made for acting without thinking or allowing impulse to get the better of caution. Might that be your best move today? Treat yourself to some valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call your personal Moon-sign forecast: 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

PERHAPS you shouldn’t do this? Maybe it’s bad to say that? Will your planned course of action be properly understood? Might an intended response be misinterpr­eted? You may have to take a risk. You can’t weigh up every possible outcome of every feasible option, until you are sure. Your heart already resonates with recognitio­n as it reacts to one particular idea. Unless you can see some overwhelmi­ngly obvious reason to override your voice of inner wisdom, you should just act on that today. Change your life with a spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth now! Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

WHEN you speak, do people sit up and take notice? Or do they roll over and go back to sleep? Or do you find that you can’t get the attention of the folk whose reactions you really require, yet others are paying too much attention to your comments and that is leading to unnecessar­y tension? Now, here is another crucial question, the answer to which may yet enable you to enjoy a much more peaceful, productive day. Are you taking yourself too seriously? Treat yourself to some valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call your personal Moon-sign forecast: 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

THERE are nice ways to say things — and then there are sharp ways. Wherever possible, those who are wise will seek soft words and gentle phrases. While we may deprive ourselves of some satisfacti­on by biting our lips and restrainin­g our urge to make more emphatic points, we vastly increase the likelihood of a more friendly environmen­t in which further conversati­ons can eventually take place. Remember, as you assess a situation now, that your involvemen­t is due to be ongoing for a while to come. Change your life with a spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth now! Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

WHEN we are nice to people, people are nice to us in return. If, on an odd occasion, we find ourselves wondering why we have been mistreated or have seen a generous gesture thrown back in our face, it is usually because someone is more damaged, and thus more vulnerable, than we realise. Really, they need even more help. There is, of course, a limit to how many allowances we can make. But in following an impulse today to express magnanimit­y, you are not being foolish but wise. Treat yourself to some valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call your personal Moon-sign forecast: 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

WE ALL want to make each other happy if we can. Unless, perhaps, someone has made us unhappy. Even then, it is unlikely that we will seek a way to make them unhappy in return. Pisceans rarely, if ever, pursue revenge. You just want to help others, and experience has taught you that when you do, they help you. Yet how much can any of us help one another if nobody understand­s what anybody else truly wants? Don’t let uncertaint­y and assumption produce the wrong kind of compromise today. Change your life with a spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth now! Call 0906 751 5612.

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