Daily Mail

Newsreader knocked off bike by hit and run car

- By Alexander Holmes

VETERAN newsreader Dermot Murnaghan suffered a severely bruised face in a hit-and-run incident.

The broadcaste­r posted a picture on Twitter yesterday revealing why he had been off-air on sky News for two days. The shot showed a bloody-bruise beneath his left eye and on the left side of his chin with the caption above his post reading: ‘Here’s why I haven’t been on air for 2 days. A hit and run in Kentish Town yesterday. Police were fantastic.’

The broadcaste­r, who is an avid cyclist and has his own cycling blog, presents the sky News Tonight programme.

Fans and colleagues were quick to send their well-wishes to the 59-year-old.

simon Withington wrote: ‘ When the newsman becomes the news! Poor you. Hope you’re on the mend soon.’

Tom Boadle, a colleague and political editor for sky, wrote: ‘ Good gritty look that. Hope it heals nice and quick!’

Murnaghan faced criticism in October when he was pictured running through a red light in sloane square, central London, on one of the so-called ‘Boris bikes’.

Murnaghan has been injured on his bike before, telling the Mail this time last year that he suffered his worst ever injury cycling. He said: ‘A few years ago, I broke four ribs when a pitbull knocked me off my bike. The charming owner then had the audacity to reprimand me for scaring his dog.

‘They can’t do much for broken ribs, you’re just sent off with strong painkiller­s. For eight weeks, sleeping was very uncomforta­ble and sneezing, coughing or laughing could aggravate it.’

But the broadcaste­r wasn’t put off, often cycling his 32-mile round trip too and from work.

 ??  ?? Bruised: Dermot Murnaghan
Bruised: Dermot Murnaghan

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