Daily Mail



lorna For Gione, 45, is a support worker who lives in Preston, lancashire, with sons sam, 14, and lucas, ten. they have two cats, cougar and narla, plus two dogs and two rabbits. lorna says:

COUGAR is an incredible character — he follows the boys to school, regularly visits the staff in the bike shop at the end of the road, and expects me to leave the water running after I’ve brushed my teeth so he can drink straight from the tap.

But probably the most incredible thing about him is that he goes to the toilet like a human being.

In the morning, if one of us is in the loo when he wants to go, he’ll wander into the bathroom and look at us in disgust. He gives you the evil eye until you leave and he can have his turn.

He jumps up on the seat, has a wee then tries to bury it like a cat would do outside by scratching the back of the toilet lid. It’s funny because it looks like he’s trying to flush but, of course, he can’t.

Cougar has been using the human loo since he was a kitten eight years ago. Just a few weeks after we got him, I was in the bedroom when I heard a sound in the upstairs loo.

I rushed in, thinking we had a leak, but instead saw him sitting there, doing his business.

I was shocked and had never seen anything like it before. I’ve no idea how Cougar learned — he must just have watched us and copied.

None of my friends would believe me when I told them so I filmed him on my mobile. They were astounded. He uses the loo every morning when he wakes up and when it’s raining. I just wish he’d do all his business in there – that way I could get rid of the litter tray!

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