Daily Mail

My husband has moobs!

- Dr Tracy Mountford

Q MY HUSBAND is 51 and has started to develop ‘moobs’, which makes him very selfconsci­ous. Are there any nonsurgica­l treatments available?

A Male breasts, or ‘moobs’ ( otherwise known as gynecomast­ia), are caused by an imbalance of testostero­ne and oestrogen.

Typically, men produce much higher levels of testostero­ne, which prevents breast tissue from growing. However, an increase in oestrogen can be triggered by natural hormone changes in later life, medical conditions and as a side-effect of some medication.

It needs medical evaluation, but surgery can correct over-large male breasts. This may require an overnight hospital stay.

When the problem is simply an excess of fat, a good alternativ­e is cryolipoly­sis, a fat- freezing treatment. The most well-known FDa-cleared option is CoolSculpt­ing, a non-invasive procedure that targets the fat cells beneath the skin’s surface to destroy them.

The treated fat cells die naturally and, over time, are eliminated from your body. There is no downtime and fees start at £1,600.

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