Daily Mail

Want a funeral plan with more guarantees?


Choose your provider wisely – choose Dignity

For many people, a funeral plan is the best way to take care of funeral costs and arrangemen­ts in advance. There are many different plans available, but it is worth knowing that not all funeral plan providers offer the same guarantees. Mail Finance have partnered with Dignity, one of the UK’s leading providers, to offer you one of the best plans on the market today.

Dignity’s guarantees:

1. Guaranteed acceptance for everyone aged

50 or over with no medical questions 2. Guaranteed support for your loved

ones – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year 3. If you opt for a cremation funeral, the plan guarantees to fully cover the funeral director’s services, the cremation fee and the minister or officiant fee 4. If you opt for a burial funeral, the plan guarantees to fully cover the funeral director’s services and your family will receive one of the highest contributi­ons in the market, which rises in line with RPI to cover other burial costs such as the burial plot. 5. Guarantees the services of a trusted and profession­al funeral director within the UK 6. Guarantees flexible payment options – pay in one lump sum or spread your payments to suit you 7. Guarantees your money is secure – held

in a completely independen­t Trust Fund 8. Guarantees to protect against rising costs – it is a fixed price plan so once paid, it is guaranteed to be covered.

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