Daily Mail

US tourist’s family: We don’t hate his murderer

- By Christian Gysin

RELATIVES of the US tourist killed by Khalid Masood yesterday said they were ‘deeply touched’ by the outpouring of love and support.

Kurt Cochran, 54, was on holiday with wife Melissa to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversar­y – their first trip out of the US – when they were hit by the terrorist’s rented car on Westminste­r Bridge.

Musician and engineer Mr Cochran, from West Bountiful near Salt Lake City, Utah, was thrown on to an embankment below and died from his injuries. His 46-year-old wife, also known as Missy, was taken to hospital with a broken leg and rib, as well as a badly cut head.

Yesterday, family members who had travelled from the US gathered at New Scotland Yard – just 100 yards from the scene of the carnage on Wednesday – to thank everyone who had offered support and say they had ‘no ill feelings’ towards the killer.

Mrs Cochran’s brother Clint Payne, who appeared with 12 other relatives, said: ‘This has been a humbling and difficult experience but we have felt the love of so many people during these past several days. It’s been a tender experience for our family to be together with Melissa here.

‘ Her health is steadily improving ... she is so grateful for the outpouring of love and generosity.’

He added: ‘The most difficult part of all of this is that Kurt is no longer with us and we miss him terribly. He was an amazing individual who loved everyone and tried to make the world a better place.’

Mr Payne said the family had no ill feelings towards Masood, adding: ‘We wouldn’t bear ill feelings towards anyone. Kurt’s whole life was an example of focusing on the positive ... that’s what we chose to do.’

The Cochrans had earlier visited Scotland, Ireland, Belgium, Holland and Germany on the dream tour of Europe.

 ??  ?? Kurt and Melissa Cochran
Kurt and Melissa Cochran

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