Daily Mail

Workers unite to stop Red Len


THE last time Labour pressed the self- destruct button, in the Eighties, it took sensible trades union leaders to rescue the party from the abyss.

Don’t believe the propaganda that it was all down to Peter Mandelson’s pretty red rose logo.

The heavy lifting was done by moderates in the transport workers’, engineers’ and builders’ unions.

Capturing control of the country’s biggest union was pivotal. Back then it was the TGWU, which has mutated into Unite.

‘red’ Len McCluskey, the union’s 66-year old leader, obviously intends to do a robert Mugabe, effectivel­y becoming President for Life.

Under McCluskey, Unite is propping up the Corbynista­s and Momentum, the modern-day Militant Tendency.

McCluskey controls Labour because he controls the money — his members’ hardearned subscripti­ons, don’t forget. And even though he pretends that he’s growing impatient with Corbyn, he would only install another hardliner as his successor.

He’s now up for re-election, facing a strong challenge from Midlands official Gerard Coyne, coincident­ally the son-in-law of my old mate Bill Jordan, the ex- engineerin­g workers’ leader who did so much to seize control from the hardLeft three decades ago.

Coyne says he’d cut off the cash and stop Unite interferin­g in national politics.

Like most people, I’m not pining for a Labour government. But the Tories need a proper opposition to keep them honest.

The only way ahead for despairing Labour supporters who want to get rid of Corbyn and restore some sanity is for Unite members to reject McCluskey and vote for Gerard Coyne.

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