Daily Mail

My wife’s Joan Bull triumph in Germany


THe BBC’s drama, SS-GB, showing scenes of prominent London buildings draped in swastika flags, took me back to the Seventies, when I was living in Hamburg, Germany. My wife and I lived in the top flat of a building directly opposite another road. One day we learned that a film company was planning to be shooting down the road opposite, giving us a grandstand view. The film was set during World War II, so to add authentici­ty, several houses were asked to display from their windows a large flag bearing a swastika. During a quiet moment I took a stroll down this road, and found it unnerving: just 30-odd years earlier, and still in my lifetime, all of this would have been for real! Later in the day, my wife answered the door and got involved in a heated argument with someone. She explained it had been a man from the film company and, as our flat would have been in just about every shot, would we also display a flag? My wife gave him an emphatic ‘No!’, saying she was British and felt insulted to have been asked to do such a thing. The chap was promptly sent packing down five flights of stairs with his flag between his legs! Later, she said it’s a pity we didn’t have a Union Jack, even if only a small one. She said we could have surreptiti­ously displayed it to great effect. Imagine, then, the poor tired director late into the night studying his rushes and discoverin­g, in among all of his flags, there lurking in the background, a Union Jack! Oh, Mrs C — what a wicked, wonderful wife you are!

David H. Cox, Kidlington, Oxford.

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