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The New Moon, in Aries, is conjunct retrograde Venus. This suggests a new start for a relationsh­ip that seems to have been going backwards. It represents clarity in an area of life that has, for too long, been convoluted and confused. And it’s a time

when we can start to project our deepest desires on to the path we’re mapping out for the future. Today, a match is struck and a fire is lit. how long it burns and how bright it shines is up to us. But any darkness can begin to recede.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

THE New Moon in your sign is a powerful omen. It heralds a new cycle that doesn’t just last a few weeks, but can have an impact that colours much of the rest of the year. Today’s New Moon coincides with the passage of Venus, moving backwards across your sign. Does this mean that all the progress your heart has made will be reversed in the months ahead? Hardly. In fact, it suggests that you’re about to begin an inward journey on which you’ll discover what you need to do to feel truly loved.

It’s the Dark of the Moon and your future can be revealed and changed. For inspiring news, pick up the phone. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

THE wheel is in your hands. The accelerato­r is under your foot. The vehicle will go, within reason, where you take it. That’s the bit we need to talk about. Mars, in your sign, has recently linked to Neptune. Are you sure you know where you want to go? If so, are you sure you know the best route? There’s not so much of a rush as you might fear. This is no temporary shift of power that’s benefiting you; it’s a lasting advantage you’re being blessed with. You can afford to take your time and consider your options.

We’re in the Dark of the Moon. Dial in your date of birth for your spookily accurate LATEST Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

THERE’S a lot wrong with the world: injustice, inequality, confusion, delusion and despair. The planets suggest this is the right time for a change, and you can be instrument­al in making that happen; on behalf of yourself and of others who don’t have a voice. You’re in a unique position to fight for what’s right, daunting though this may be. Don’t be afraid, doubt your ability or question your suitabilit­y. You may not be entirely successful as you begin. But if you persist, you’ll be rewarded.

It’s the Dark of the Moon and your future can be revealed and changed. For inspiring news, pick up the phone. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

THE cosmos cares about you. You’re not irrelevant to it. You may be just one of seven billion humans, on a tiny blue rock, in a vast galaxy, yet that’s only one way to look at your identity. You’re the eyes and the ears of the infinite. What drives your breath in and out of your body? An incredible cosmic power that wants you to have life and consciousn­ess. Acknowledg­e that during this

New Moon. Consider what else the immortal force, at the heart of your being, may wish for. The higher you get, the happier you’ll be.

We’re in the Dark of the Moon. Dial in your date of birth for your spookily accurate LATEST Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

WE ALL have ambitions. Some of them are lofty and seemingly unobtainab­le. Some of them are more humble and domestic. Some say that all you need is faith in the universe and these things will materialis­e. Others, that you need to be pushy and assertive. There’s no way of proving the best method so, whether we get what we want or not, we have to learn to be content with either result. A change in your life is about to happen. It may not be entirely what you expect. But, happily, it is just what you need.

It’s the Dark of the Moon and your future can be revealed and changed. For inspiring news, pick up the phone. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

AS MARS links to Neptune and Saturn today, the more you think about a particular situation, the more confused you may become. How unfair is it? Are you supposed to take it in your stride, as if everything’s normal, and allow a pointless process to carry on unchanged? And, if not, should you now wade bravely into a battle for which you may not be fully prepared? Keep thinking past the confusion until you gain some clarity. Before you can fix a problem, first you must properly understand what’s causing it.

We’re in the Dark of the Moon. Dial in your date of birth for your spookily accurate LATEST Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

RELATIONSH­IPS are tricky. Why must we explain how we feel to someone when, if they understood us, they’d already know? Similarly, you think you know someone well, then they reveal informatio­n you’d never expect. Do you have the patience to listen to their point of view without interrupti­ng? If so, perhaps they’ll extend you the same courtesy. Today, if you change your expectatio­ns, though an important relationsh­ip may be complicate­d, it will become easier.

It’s the Dark of the Moon and your future can be revealed and changed. For inspiring news, pick up the phone. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

TIME is not your enemy or your friend. It’s ‘neutral’. But like most neutral things, it easily reflects a projection. You can see it as something that’s chasing you, or running away from you. Something you’ve got too much of, or you’re delighted to have. It happily wears any disguise you design for it. And, with Mars’ links today, that’s the question you need to ask. How are you ‘unconsciou­sly’ seeing your relationsh­ip with a deadline? The New Moon suggests you make a conscious effort to envisage an easier connection.

We’re in the Dark of the Moon. Dial in your date of birth for your spookily accurate LATEST Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

IMAGINE you’ve been invited to a party. You’re anxious about what to wear. You finally make a choice and arrive at the party. After some awkwardnes­s you have a drink, get involved

in conversati­on, begin to enjoy yourself and completely forget the angst you went through earlier. Well, that’s what you need to remember as you agonise over today’s dilemma. Your outlook is positive. It’s OK to have fun. Under the light of the New Moon, it’s going to turn out all right!

It’s the Dark of the Moon and your future can be revealed and changed. For inspiring news, pick up the phone. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

SOME battles we can’t win. It doesn’t matter how much right, or might, we have on our side. Such conflicts will drain from us more than they can provide us with — whether we win or lose. Family arguments come into this category. They’re best not held. The same applies to efforts made to hold back in areas of life where great passion is felt. Listen to what the New Moon is trying to tell you, but don’t feel obliged to change the world today when it might be wiser just to change the subject instead.

We’re in the Dark of the Moon. Dial in your date of birth for your spookily accurate LATEST Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

SOMETIMES you need to be blunt! But when you ‘tell it like it is’, the people you tell it to might ‘hear it like it isn’t’. Could you get your message across more subtly today? Perhaps. Could you get what you want if you added a ‘please’? More than likely. In other words, it’s a good time to be direct. If you’re not clear about your intention, you won’t get the desired result. You can take an important step and change a difficult dynamic. Just don’t forget the sugar coating!

It’s the Dark of the Moon and your future can be revealed and changed. For inspiring news, pick up the phone. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

‘ALL that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.’ So said Edgar Allan Poe who wrote influentia­l stories about fear and fantasies. The ideas that make us most anxious, that we conjure in our mind’s eye, are partially shaped in our subconscio­us. With the connection­s that Mars has been making to your ruler and Saturn, the New Moon could render you sensitive to the spectre of a forlorn hope, or a nebulous threat. Though you can’t fully explain the worry that’s arising in you, you shouldn’t let it haunt you.

We’re in the Dark of the Moon. Dial in your date of birth for your spookily accurate LATEST Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5612.

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