Daily Mail

Today’s poem



The sink was blocked. My nose was running, I felt lonely, sad and blue. I looked at the clock (it needed a dust), Another empty day stretched into view. I gazed with a sigh at the dreary, damp garden And began to wallow in self-pity. Then a robin flew onto the wobbly fence And began to sing this tuneful little ditty. He sang: ‘So you think you’ve got problems? Then try swapping places with me. There’s not a worm to eat. My wings are wet And have you ever tried living in a tree? You’ve plenty to eat, a fridge full of food, And your central heating is turned fully on. My tree bears the brunt of the easterly gales And in winter the leaves have all gone. Try making a nest using just a small beak, And sitting on eggs day and night, To always be watchful to avert certain doom From the cat’s claws or the sparrowhaw­k in flight. Just pick up your phone (I often perch on your line) And ask a neighbour or friend round to tea. They’ll be glad that you called to enjoy a nice chat And don’t forget to save some cake crumbs for me.’ Away flew the bird (he was quite right, of course). My friend arrived and my relief was immense. We talked and had tea, then I said: ‘Excuse me, I have to take some cake to a bird on my fence.’ Mrs Anita Bass, they don Bois, essex.


In my throat there’s a fearful lump At the stand-off ’twixt Putin and Trump, Not knowing, you see, (As per World War III) Which way each hothead will jump. elgin McSimon, Andover, Hants.

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