Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


JEREMY CORBYN could go the whole hog and announce that he will pay off everyone’s mortgage.

BOB PAGE, Sheffield.

YES, there is a ‘money tree’ (Mail). It’s foreign aid, and it needs pruning.


THERE are fears that the spacecraft on its way to the Sun will burn up before it gets there. Why don’t they go at night?

CHRIS ATKIN, Retford, Notts.

WAS there ever a time when the NHS wasn’t claiming to be in crisis?

MARK TAHA, London SE26.

BOAC stood for ‘better on a camel’ and BEA meant ‘better eat afterwards’. So does BA now mean ‘bloody awful’?

FRANCIS G. SKETCH, Wantage, Oxon.

FAILED Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg should be putting spanners on the shelves of B&Q, not spanners in the workings of Parliament.

TERRY McDONALD-DORMAN, Darlington, Co. Durham.

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