Daily Mail

Cher, comeback queen


Cher has announced there is to be a musical of her life story — but how on earth can anyone cram her biography into three hours, including songs?

For Cher (right) has led an astounding life! She makes rod Stewart look like a choirboy. Now aged 71, the twice- married, tattooed, husky voiced siren is a noted consumer of plastic surgery and young men.

She has outlived both her husbands — Sonny Bono and Gregg Allman — and had affairs with Warren Beatty, David Geffen, Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, eric Stoltz, rockers eric Clapton, richie Sambora and Gene Simmons from Kiss, who left her for Diana ross.

She once said that men should be like Kleenex (‘soft, strong and disposable’) and despaired of women who ‘ got all excited over nothing — and then married him’.

The musical, which opens on Broadway next year, will feature the characters of Babe, Lady, and Star to represent Cher at different moments of her life. The teenager who falls for Sonny Bono ( Babe), the catsuitwea­ring pop singer (Lady) and the goddess we know today (Star).

She has had more comebacks than the mini skirt, became an Oscar-winning actress and would turn up to the ceremony in little more than a pop sock and two sequins. All this and Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves. What a goddess!


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