Daily Mail



BATMAN actor Adam West died last week at the age of 88. Reading all the tributes paid to him, I was horrified to see that he was regarded as a ‘camp comedy hero’ for his ‘tongue in cheek’ portrayal of Batman. When we watched Batman as kids, the highlight of our television week, we had no idea that West was being arch. I still don’t believe it today! In his big underpants, eye mask and bat-eared bonnet, Adam somehow managed to play it straight, in more ways than one. In his eternal fight against evil, he understood that children took him seriously, even if no one else did. No wonder he has been the benchmark for caped crusaders ever since. Next, someone will be telling me that Mrs Slocombe’s pussy meant something more than her favourite feline pet. Who was often — so she kept reminding us — in need of attention. How wonderful that officials in Los Angeles will be booting up the Bat-Signal to say a final farewell to West. Batman’s ceremonial spotlight will be beamed across LA’s City Hall for one last time next week, and fans are encouraged to gather in their best Batman outfits to celebrate the much-loved actor’s career. I would go, but my Bat-Plane is on the blink again. Not a euphemism.

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