Daily Mail



How are your dahlias doing? when young and succulent, developing stems and leaves are irresistib­le to slugs and snails. Check young plants around their bases where new shoots are emerging. If you see signs of eaten foliage or spot telltale slime trails, take action. Use nematodes to control slugs and snails. You can buy those from most garden suppliers including crocus.co.uk, nematodes direct.co.uk and greengarde­ner.co.uk. You can also apply slug pellets — but go for eco-friendly products based on iron phosphates or wool. Mature dahlias (right) may also need extra support. wind damage is widespread this summer and young stems on tall or heavy-flowered varieties will need extra care. Remove any broken or kinked stems and use canes or metal supports to protect against further damage. Dahlias grown in containers must be regularly fed. General-purpose plant-food is fine at this stage, but when flowers become copious, switch to a high-potash feed. Always dead-head your dahlias. If they’re allowed to set seed, flowering will reduce and eventually cease. If deadheaded, they’ll flower through autumn into November.

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