Daily Mail

Whole country loses internet links . . . rejoice!


SINCE Somalia’s internet went down it has led to job losses, shut firms, disrupted education ... and much happiness.

Telecommun­ications minister Abdi Anshuur said web access was lost a month ago after a ship cut an undersea cable that connected the east African country to global data networks.

But the absence of sites such as Facebook and YouTube has been a cause for celebratio­n for some in the conservati­ve Muslim nation.

Mohamud Osman, 45, claimed his wife’s addiction to social media was so bad that he almost divorced her.

He said she forgot to feed their baby, adding: ‘My wife used to be on YouTube or Facebook every minute. Now I am happy. Internet is a tool of evil.’

The web failure is costing Somalia £7.5million a day in lost economic output, with many young people idling in tea shops claiming they cannot work.

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