Daily Mail



Q What should I pack in a travel first aid kit? APRE- FILLED kits usually cost around £10, but it’s easy to assemble your own. A basic kit should include: painkiller­s (paracetamo­l is easier on the stomach, but also take ibuprofen as it’s good for muscle injury pain); antiseptic wipes/spray to clean wounds, antiseptic creams; dressings for bigger cuts, plasters (different sizes or in a roll — remember to take scissors); and bandages for sports injuries and to hold dressings in place.

A thermomete­r and tweezers (for splinters) are a good idea; antihistam­ine tablets, insect repellent and bite cream; rehydratio­n sachets for upset stomachs — and don’t forget the suncream and supplies of your usual medication. Q Can children use adult sunscreens? A ADULTS’ and children’s sunscreens will contain essentiall­y the same active ingredient­s to protect skin. These ingredient­s physically block UV rays or, in the case of chemical agents, absorb them. However, the inactive ingredient­s — which provide the colour, for instance, and consistenc­y of the product — are different.

Adult sunscreens may also have additional ingredient­s for effects other than sun protection, such as anti-ageing. Furthermor­e, suncream for adults can contain chemical agents that cause allergies.

As children’s skin is generally more sensitive, stick to the manufactur­er’s advice.

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