Daily Mail

Westminste­r wars


WHEN, in 2013, Iain Duncan Smith introduced the cap on the amount people could claim in benefits, he was derided by Labour as a hateful Tory pushing the most vulnerable people further into poverty. Now, one in five who had their payments limited has found work. That’s why it’s called a hand up, not a handout.

Speaker John Bercow ( pictured) is under attack for accepting two premium tickets to Wimbledon. Give Berky a break. he’s so short — on both stature and ability — he needed front-row seats to be able to see what was happening on court.

NO WONDER Jeremy Corbyn refuses to denounce his old chum, Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro, despite at least 105 protesters being killed in recent pro- democracy demonstrat­ions. Jezza’s desperate for another chance to go to the polls, and if he takes any tips from Maduro on how to rig an election, this time he’ll probably find a way to get Corbynista­s to vote three times each, not just twice, as some British students claim to have done.

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