Daily Mail

The male menopause: how to spot the signs


‘A SLIDE into weight gain, lethargy, low libido, general grumpiness and tiredness is often seen as an inevitable part of growing older,’ says Dr Gluck, ‘but it needn’t be.’ If your husband suffers from the symptoms below, it might be time to seek help ...

Feeling grumpy, miserable and lacking confidence

Trouble sleeping

Lethargy. A loss of excitement about life and career

Weight gain, loss of strength and muscle tone, aching joints Memory loss Diminished libido


A BLOOD test and full medical and symptom history will reveal whether a man has reduced hormone levels. The three sex hormones men need are:

DHEA: Dehydroepi­androstero­ne, a hormonal precursor produced by the adrenal glands and made into testostero­ne.

TESTOSTERO­NE: The main male hormone, although women require low levels too (essential for muscles, bones and libido).

PROGESTERO­NE: A predominan­tly female hormone that men need at low levels; it prevents excess testostero­ne.

Treatment usually involves testostero­ne (by cream or gel), DHEA (in capsules) or progestero­ne. After treatment ‘men sleep better, get back their zest for life and their wives get back the men they fell in love with.’ Dr Gluck warns that treatment may not be suitable for men with a history of prostate cancer.

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