Daily Mail

Time to cut the Cable


I AM one of the older voters derided by Vince Cable. Though I voted to stay in the EU, I strongly believe that because the majority of the voting public backed Leave, then that is what must happen.

It might not be what Cable would like, but it’s not up to him to choose. No doubt he believes that by making such statements he will win over younger voters, but as a one-time Lib Dem voter I shall never vote for his party again.

Sir Vince, you have well and truly shafted yourself!

DAviD NOrMAN, Truro, Cornwall. I AM incensed by Vince Cable’s suggestion that older voters are stitching up the young (Mail).

My decision to vote Leave was well thought through and based on my belief that it will offer a better future for my children and grandchild­ren.

I was not naive enough to believe there would not be setbacks in leaving the EU, but considered the long-term benefits would be enjoyed by the younger generation rather than myself.

JOHN HADDON, Birmingham.

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