Daily Mail



ACROSS 1 Completely clean (10) 6 Trusted adviser (6) 7 Stumbles (5) 9 Provides food (6) 10 Young goat (3) 11 Object of worship (4) 14 Stink (4) 15 Hair product (3) 16 At sea (6) 17 Ward off (5) 18 Set upon (6) 20 In direct competitio­n (4-2-4)

DOWN 1 Water when frozen (3) 2 Reciprocal (6) 3 Floor covering (6) 4 Most recent (6) 5 Stocky in build (8) 6 Swing the lead (8) 8 Superhero’s assistant (8) 9 Fall in (8) 12 Wan (6) 13 City in W. Texas (2,4) 14 Baby’s toy (6) 19 Food fish (3)

 ??  ?? 7,680

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