Daily Mail

Public sector fat cats


IT’S all very well Theresa May wanting to clamp down on and publish the pay of executives of large companies, but what about the fat cats in the public sector?

Some head teachers and local authority chief executives can earn more than £400,000 a year. I would also like to know the earnings of the fat cats in the NHS and their generous pension arrangemen­ts.

Despite the furore over the MPs’ expenses scandal, I believe they are underpaid in comparison to the nameless mandarins in the civil service. CHRIS PATE, Worcester. I DON’T understand why the Prime Minister wants to crack down on the pay of company executives, who generate income for this country.

She should target public sector bosses, who generate nothing but a net cost to the taxpayer. But I expect she will follow this policy as she knows the bosses, unlike the public sector, won’t go on strike. BOB MacDONALD GRUTE,

Newquay, Cornwall.

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