Daily Mail

We snack more... when others do


REACHING for a slice of cake on a whim may make you think you lack willpower.

But instead of blaming yourself, curse the person next to you who had a slice first.

A study has revealed that seeing someone else snacking influences us more than our resolve to be healthy.

Being in a bad mood and having unhealthy snacks in easy reach are also among the biggest reasons why we might give in. Surprising­ly, according to the Australian researcher­s, the intention to eat healthily has very little impact on our decisions.

The authors, writing in the British Journal of Health Psychology, state: ‘The results demonstrat­e that snacking is largely guided by momentary cues and that motivation­al level factors maybe less important in guiding snacking than previously thought .’

The research involved 81 adults, mostly women of a normal to obese weight.

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