Daily Mail



GOOD news for drinkers: you can still enjoy a tipple.

In a study of 100 UK centenaria­ns, 44 admitted drinking a little — and four said they drank larger quantities.

Booze — and particular­ly red wine — can help prevent heart disease and even cancer. And this appears to hold true across the planet.

In Okinawa, at Japan’s southern tip, 900 centenaria­ns admitted often drinking ‘in moderation’.

But what about the recordbrea­kers — people who’ve lived well beyond 100? Well, John Evans (Swansea, 112), Christian Mortensen (Denmark, 115), Gertrude Baines (U.S., 115) and Alice Herz-Sommer (Czechoslav­akia, 110) were teetotalle­rs.

On the other hand, Jeanne Calment (France, 122) liked port, Charlotte Hughes (Yorkshire, 115) enjoyed brandy, Fred Hale Sr (U.S., 113) drank whisky and Shigechiyo Izumi (Japan, 105) swore by a strong local brew.

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