Daily Mail


- SCORPIO SOMETIMES it’s only by having a good old ding-dong that things open up and have a chance to be resolved. As Mercury, now direct again, repeats its conjunctio­n with your ruler Mars this weekend, you can communicat­e what you mean, and have your moti

One of the best acts I’ve ever seen at the edinburgh Fringe Festival was someone who performed as The Boy With Tape On His Face.

now, he goes under the moniker Tape Face, but, to paraphrase Bill Shakespear­e, whatever name this particular rose goes under, it seems to guarantee an hour of inventive, hilarious entertainm­ent.

When you’re a mime artist, your actions are guaranteed to speak louder than words. And as Mercury conjuncts Mars this weekend, the stage is set for us to follow his example. ARIES YESTERDAY, we Mar 21 — Apr 20 talked about taking time for rest and recreation. I’m hoping you were able to do that because, as Mercury conjuncts your ruler Mars this weekend, the gas pedal and your foot will not be strangers! And it’s not just your energy levels that are being ramped up. Passions are being laid bare, and emotions articulate­d in ways that, when Mercury was retrograde recently, would have appeared startlingl­y direct. Luckily, this is an environmen­t in which you can thrive, and have fun too. How can the Equinox transform your life? There’s inspiring news in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS ARE you feeling Apr 21 — May 21 lucky? The answer probably depends on how much luck you need to consider yourself ‘lucky’. Enough to get the job you’d like? Enough to win the lottery? Perhaps, in a particular area of your life, it’s time to re-evaluate. Could the problem you’ve been scrabbling with be more in your mind than in reality? Could there be a straightfo­rward solution that you haven’t seen yet? This weekend, you may find a way to solve it that will make you feel lucky indeed. Let the warmth and power of the Equinox inspire you. Call your latest four-minute forecast: 0906 751 5602. GEMINI DO YOU see May 22 — June 22 yourself like a queen bee, or do you feel more like one of the workers? Though worker bees might seem less important than her regal highness, without their input the hive system would collapse. Then no one gets any honey. You might not feel your contributi­on is as important as that of others. But your input is crucial. You have a voice that people listen to and respect. This weekend, you can use your communicat­ion skills and make a real difference. The effect will be sweet. The Equinox can transform your world. Make the most of the energy available to you now. Call 0906 751 5603. CANCER SOMETIMES an June 23 — July 23 event occurs that makes us marvel at the human capacity to feel. The explosion of emotions — some complement­ary, others contradict­ory, can inspire or overwhelm us. This is especially true for a Cancerian, who can slide from one emotional extreme to the next with a ferocity that surprises even you! In this confusion, don’t let the negatives count for more than the positives. If you can stay calm and weigh things up, you’ll find that the scales can be tipped in your favour. The Equinox brings powerful positive change! There’s great news in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5604. LEO I UNDERSTAND why July 24 — Aug 23 you’re frustrated. It’s irritating when somebody can’t see what’s right in front of their eyes. You’re starting to feel as if you’re going around in circles. Could you possibly make yourself any clearer? You’ve tried being direct, but to no avail. The planets are highlighti­ng a different perspectiv­e. More often than not, denial is born out of fear. If you can make it clear that you’re coming from a place of love, your attempts to address a sensitive situation will be better received. Capture the powerful energy of the Equinox. Call your in-depth, four-minute forecast now: 0906 751 5605. VIRGO WATCHING the Aug 24 — Sep 23 superhero films reminds us of our limitation­s. However hard we try, invisibili­ty or leaping over giant buildings is beyond our skill-set. Those muscle-bound titans in tights can do it all! Yet, when you put your mind to it, you have pretty impressive powers of your own. With determinat­ion, dedication and belief, you can shift huge obstacles and conquer the most intractabl­e challenges. That problem you’re worried about: now is the time to use your ingenuity to plot a path around it. The power of the Equinox can be harnessed right now. For the secret of lasting success, call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA HURRAH for the Sep 24 — Oct 23 X-Men — the film mutants who save the world. We might envy their superhuman powers but, in the recent film series, actress Jennifer Lawrence’s costume as Mystique was so intricate that bathroom breaks were challengin­g. The sacrifices these people make in the name of saving the planet! A recent self-sacrifice has left you dealing with almost impossible conditions. But ‘almost impossible’ is a long way from being unfeasible. And this weekend will bring an opportunit­y to prove it was worth it. How can the Equinox transform your life? There’s inspiring news in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5607. Oct 24 — Nov 22 SAGITTARIU­S IMAGINE Nov 23 — Dec 21 you’re on a running track. Ahead of you, one hundred metres away, is the finishing line. That’s where happiness awaits. The starting gun is fired but, as you set off, a series of hurdles spring up in front of you. Some look impossible to jump over. What will you do? Head back to the changing room and swap your running shoes for slippers? Or keep running and trust that you’ll find a way around the obstacles. You have momentum now. And the insight to make it past the finish line. The Equinox can transform your world. Make the most of the energy available to you now. Call 0906 751 5609. AQUARIUS OUTER space Jan 21 — Feb 19 fascinates most of us. The vastness of the universe holds a million possibilit­ies. Might we find evidence of other life forms? Would they be benevolent or tyrannical? Will we develop the technology to inhabit other planets? I’m optimistic that we’ll solve some of these questions soon. But you don’t need to wait around before setting off on your own frontier-breaking adventure. It might not be space travel, but it presents infinite opportunit­ies. Don’t let uncertaint­y hold you back. Capture the powerful energy of the Equinox. Call your in-depth, fourminute forecast now: 0906 751 5611. PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 BACK-SEAT drivers! Not only do they inflict their questionab­le music choices on everyone, they also have a habit of taking responsibi­lity for getting you there on time if they’ve so much as glanced at the satnav! And that’s ridiculous. It’s your hands on the wheel. You’re the one in control. And, you’d be fine without their interferen­ce, thank you very much! Don’t let yourself be belittled by someone who’s not as well informed as you this weekend. You have no reason to doubt your own judgement. The power of the Equinox can be harnessed right now. For the secret of lasting success, call 0906 751 5612.

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