Daily Mail

Clegg’s shame


I am shaking with fury at Nick Clegg and his comments regarding Brexit.

He seems to have undying sympathy with the young who, he says, ‘will have to deal with the aftermath of Brexit’ and who want another referendum because ‘older people who voted for it are dying off’.

The people like me who, according to his obnoxious choice of words, are ‘dying off’ had to cope with the aftermath of six years of World War II.

many children around that time were born into abject poverty — not what passes for poverty these days. many didn’t even know their fathers, who’d perished in that conflict, fighting for the freedom of the citizens of this country to govern themselves.

many of us were born before the NHS was set up in 1948 — a generation who worked grossly excessive hours and paid our taxes willingly to help build this country to become world’s fifth-largest economy.

an apology is due from you, mr Clegg, for your disgusting belittling of a generation who deserve far more recognitio­n for their hard work. Mrs CaTherine waLKer,

Brixham, devon. aS aN old person I’m frightened by a man called Clegg. He appears to want me dead. Is he important? I have no recollecti­on. But I do remember being in an air raid shelter, doing National Service and working until 70, and, oh yes, I voted for Brexit.

John haddon, Birmingham Clegg. Clegg. ah, yes, I remember him. Didn’t he belong to that party called . . . give me a minute. It’ll come to me, eventually . . .

L. GadsBy, Truro, Cornwall.

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