Daily Mail

Why not eating greens could be in your genes

- Daily Mail Reporter

IF getting your children to eat their greens is a losing battle, don’t blame your parenting – blame their genes.

For scientists have identified two ‘picky eating’ mutations, which could explain some youngsters’ aversion to certain foods.

The breakthrou­gh could also open the door to new ways of tackling the childhood obesity epidemic, say the US researcher­s.

In their study, they found that children aged between two and four who were only interested in a limited variety of foods had a variation of the TAS2R38 gene. Another gene, CA6, was associated with trying to exercise control through picky eating. Both genes mark a sensitivit­y to bitter tastes.

Researcher Natasha Cole, a member of an obesity prevention programme at the University of Illinois in Chicago, said it is not surprising children who are geneticall­y ‘bittersens­itive’ may be more likely to turn down Brussel sprouts or broccoli.

The study is published in the Journal of Nutrigenet­ics and Nutrigenom­ics.

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