Daily Mail




1 Parcel (7) 5 Strong wind (4) 7 Whole quantity or amount of (3) 8 Indiscreet (8) 9 Fiend (5) 10 In a short time (4) 13 Tablet (4) 14 Thin branch (4) 18 Spacious or uncluttere­d (4) 19 Wear away (5) 21 With another person or thing (8) 22 Pen fluid (3) 23 Pace (4) 24 Creche (7)


1 Praise (8) 2 South American country (8) 3 Be present at (6) 4 Pardon or forgive (6) 5 Horse’s gait (6) 6 Speech defect (4) 11 Substance in tobacco (8) 12 L-shaped tool (5,3) 15 Abandon (4,2) 16 Punctuatio­n mark (6) 17 Extreme fear (6) 20 Twelve inches (4)

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