Daily Mail

It seems nannies DO know best . . .


FIRST we had singer Paloma Faith (right) saying she was raising her child as gender neutral, now a couple has advertised for a nanny to raise their two children similarly.

Aged two and six, the kids must be called only by their names, never referred to as ‘ he’ or ‘she’, and Action Man and Barbie are banned as they reinforce gender stereotype­s.

The parents complain they are struggling to fill the position. Why am I not surprised?

THE creators of the scheme to pay people £1,000 a month to take in hospital patients who are blocking beds claim they match the carer and patient carefully, and mostly they would be either friends or neighbours. In which case, why would anyone accept payment for what should be a simple act of Christian charity?

 ?? X E R / B A F O T H P : e r u t c i P ??
X E R / B A F O T H P : e r u t c i P

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