Daily Mail

How clumsy Donald made Ivana see red


ON THE day of the UEFA Cup Final in 1996, I had a dramatic encounter with the Trump family. I was working on Eurostar as a stewardess in the first-class coach in which Donald, his then wife Ivana and daughter Ivanka were travelling from Paris to London. The cup final was showing on the coach’s TV monitor and The Donald was watching avidly. There was a goal, the future leader of the free world suddenly flailed his arms and, in the process, knocked over the glass of red wine I had served him. Much of it landed on Ivana’s pale coloured designer dress. His reaction was to apologise and to try to placate Mrs Trump, but, perhaps worried that the paparazzi at Waterloo would be thrilled by her less than perfect appearance, she was not in a mood to keep calm and carry on. I tried to help by offering her a hot towel and guided her to the privacy of the galley where she was able to remove part of the stain and regain some of her composure. At Waterloo we escorted her out of the rear of the train, away from the sight of any journalist­s who had turned up to greet Donald. The reaction to all this from Ivanka? A masterclas­s in adolescent indifferen­ce!

Cristina Caballe, Wellington, Somerset.

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