Daily Mail



SouTH opens 1 ♦ , and my somewhat naive question is: would you ever consider intervenin­g with this hand? I SINCeRely hope not! However, West at the table did bid 2 ♣ , and the consequent penalty of 1,100 cost his team very dearly, when the opponents held — North: ♠ Q 10 7 5 ♥ K J ♦ 943 ♣ Q J 8 2 and South: ♠ AK3 ♥ A85 ♦ AKJ72 ♣ 4 3. The reason for West’s aberration is still obscure, because he is a competent, reliable and normally sound performer.

The conclusion has to be that even experience­d campaigner­s can be subject to psychologi­cal pressure in the tight tournament situation of a ‘needle match’.

Presumably, his interventi­on was intended either to prevent the opponents from finding a major-suit fit at the one-level, or to direct a lead from partner when North became declarer. Alas, he did not consider the consequenc­es!

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