Daily Mail

Don’t blame parents


PARENTS are again blamed for the obesity epidemic (Mail), but this is ignoring the main cause. Children are obese because they can no longer play out in the street.

In the past, they got healthy exercise every day at no cost to the government or their parents.

Public Health England’s fixation on sugar is misguided. This encourages the use of synthetic sweeteners, which means fruit and vegetables taste sour by comparison.

Children should be encouraged to enjoy healthy, natural food.

ROB WHEWAY, Coventry. THE busybodies are at it again, telling parents not to give their children too many sugary treats.

Public Health England receives taxpayers’ money to state the obvious: eating too much makes you fat, smoking can give you cancer, wrap up when it’s cold and use sunscreen in the sun.

JUDY GOODWIN, Altofts, W. Yorks.

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