Daily Mail



FEBRUARY 15, 1946

Princess elizabeth told Land Girls yesterday that Britain still needed them. ‘Yours is no longer war-work,’ she said. ‘it is a great and constructi­ve work of peace.’ Britain had taken on the task of giving aid to starving humanity, particular­ly europe, where farms had been destroyed. ‘Our own people, too,’ she added, ‘deserve the fruits of their labour in a richer and better diet.’

FEBRUARY 15, 1957

in Alfred Hitchcock films the director (pictured) can always be glimpsed. As a passenger in strangers On A Train, as a clock-repairer in rear Window. in The Wrong Man, out next week, he was to be a customer at a club. But he cut the scene as the film is based on a true story, and he wanted it to be as authentic as possible.

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