Daily Mail

Can ambulance drivers be ‘selfish parkers’?

- M. Bradbury, stoke-on-Trent, staffs.

I WAS appalled to read the words ‘ambulance’ and ‘selfish’ in the same sentence (Letters). What an awful society we are living in when people feel the need to complain about where an ambulance parks. I don’t care if it is left in my garden if needs must. Ambulance crews do a wonderful job saving lives.

Name and address supplied. AS A bus driver, I experience­d an occasion when an ambulance blocked a narrow road on a bus route. Many of my passengers were delayed due to the lack of thought. When asked if the ambulance could be moved slightly to allow vehicles to pass, verbal abuse resulted. On many occasions police also exceed their authority by parking illegally — and sometimes dangerousl­y — simply to pick up drinks and food. If a member of the public did this, they would no doubt get a parking ticket. I understand the emergency services operate under great stress and also have to say many bus drivers can be awkward due to the nature of the job.

D. Rielly, address supplied. I WAS shocked at the reader who complained that an ambulance had blocked the cul-de-sac where he lives. Does he expect the crew to park on another road and stretcher an emergency patient all that way? And what about access to equipment and vital drugs in the ambulance? It really annoys me to see how thoughtles­s some people are becoming. What about leaving your car somewhere else for the short time an ambulance is in attendance? Ambulance crew can refuse to attend ‘difficult’ locations, and I’m sure this man would be the first to complain if that included his cul-de-sac.

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