Daily Mail

Help when childbirth is a life-changer


ERRORS and omissions made by medical profession­als during pregnancy and childbirth are thankfully very rare. But when they do happen, the fallout can be heart-breaking and life-changing. Experts in medical negligence can talk to you or a family member with understand­ing, empathy and in complete confidence, having helped many women and their families facing such issues.

ERB’S palsy, for example, is caused by an injury to a baby’s upper arm during delivery, when the nerves are harmed at Erb’s point close to the baby’s neck. The impact can vary from mild numbness through to paralysis.

IN RARE cases, jaundice can develop into kernicteru­s, a potentiall­y fatal form of brain damage. It can also lead to cerebral palsy, deafness, blindness and learning difficulti­es.

MISREAD baby scans that fail to detect severe abnormalit­ies can raise immensely difficult questions about whether a pregnancy would have been terminated.

VAGINAL mesh implants are now the subject of legal action because they can cause permanent debilitati­ng pain pain, leaving some unable to walk, work or have intercours­e.

EPIDURAL anaesthesi­a, if incorrectl­y administer­ed, can leave the patient with long-lasting conditions and injuries, such as severe nerve damage or a leak of spinal fluid.

SUBSTANDAR­D surgery, treatment or care following a perineal tear, for example, can be deemed to be medically negligent. The physical and psychologi­cal harm caused can be significan­t.

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