Daily Mail

Paper chase


TOILET rolls have been removed in a school because children are blocking toilets with too much paper (Mail). Now the children have to ask the teacher for loo paper.

I am surprised that one parent said: ‘Surely it would be better to educate children about not putting too much paper down the toilet.’

Schools go way beyond their remit with outdoor activities, breakfasts and even toilet training.

Surely this should start in the home, like teaching right from wrong and treating others with respect, but some parents just want to palm child-rearing onto schools.

DEIRDRE LEWIS, London W11. AT MY first teaching post in 1960, a loo roll was attached by string to each classroom door and pupils could take two pieces with them to the outside toilet.

CYNTHIA WILLOUGHBY, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warks. WHEN I was at school, the loo roll took pride of place on the teacher’s

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