Daily Mail

Put brakes on car thieves


MY nEW Ford Fiesta was stolen in three minutes, as revealed on a neighbour’s cctV.

I informed the police and my insurance company. the police said that unless the faces of the thieves were clearly visible, they would not bother to view the cctV.

I contacted Ford and complained about how easily the theft had been committed, possibly with a hacked keyfob, but I didn’t get a response.

looking for a replacemen­t car, every dealer told me they knew how easy it was to steal a vehicle.

How can the motor industry sell new cars knowing this? Insurance companies should make a crook lock standard practice, or encourage car manufactur­ers to come up with a solution to the hacking problem.

We should also ban the sale of equipment that can be used to hack keyless cars.

I now always use a crook lock. It might not be foolproof, but it will discourage thieves from attempting to steal my car. After all, they can choose from so many other cars that can be broken into within a couple of minutes.

SUe SALVATI, Romford, essex.

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