Daily Mail

Beggars facing exclusion zone near cashpoints


BEGGARS could be banned from being within 30 feet of cash machines to stop them pestering customers for money.

The police want to set up an exclusion zone around ATMs in Newport, South Wales, to stop ‘aggressive begging’.

Under the proposed public space protection order, beggars who ignore the rules could be arrested for causing harassment, alarm or distress.

Conservati­ve councillor Charles Ferris said: ‘Aggressive begging has got out of control and it’s putting people off going to the city centre.’

Kevin Ward, manager of Newport Now Business Improvemen­t District, said: ‘We support specific bans within certain distances of cashpoints.’ A public consultati­on in Newport found 70 per cent backed a blanket ban on begging. Newport City Council will consider the issue this year. A spokesman said: ‘It’s balancing the rights of the individual – the people on the street begging and those that want to go about their business.’

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