Daily Mail



Unit measure cup, 90p, resources.drink aware.co.uk ThIS helpful plastic measuring cup has markings on it for different measures of alcohol, including beer, spirits and wine in 125ml, 175ml or 250ml glasses, and also tells you how many units your drink contains. EXPERT COMMENT: ‘ This is simple, yet effective,’ says Pia henfridsso­n, a registered dietitian and obesity expert. ‘It’s a good way to familiaris­e yourself with units — most people have no idea what these actually look like poured out. ‘Men and women are meant to stick to fewer than 14 units a week and, though the primary reason to cut down should be for health ( alcohol increases your risk of liver disease and cancers), you will save a lot of calories by cutting down, too. ‘A typical large glass of wine is 250ml, which, with a 14 per cent alcohol content, contains 3.5 alcohol units and 235 calories.’

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