Daily Mail

No, we DON’T want to look younger


ACCORDING to a new study, fewer than 3 per cent of women over the age of 40 yearn to look younger. Instead, what they really want is to look good for their age. I heartily agree. I don’t pass on that second slice of cake and baste myself nightly in rose-hip oil because I want to look the way I did 30 years ago. No, I do it because I want the way I look on the outside to bear some resemblanc­e to the way I feel inside, in my head and in my heart. In my 20s, I never had the self-confidence to appreciate my youth; in my 30s I was too caught up in the family; in my 40s I was beset by illness. But now, as I enter my sixth decade, for the first time in my life I have a real sense of who I am and what I want. As, I suspect, do many women of my age. We don’t want to turn back the hands of time — we just want the way we look to reflect how we feel.

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