Daily Mail



You are East, declarer in 6 ♥ , against which South leads the ♠ Q. What’s your best line of play? THERE are two possible lines of play, both with merit, but this one gives you a slightly better chance: Win the opening lead with the ♠ A in your own hand, the idea being to preserve entries to dummy.

Next finesse the ♦ Q. Allowing for the worst, we’ll say this loses and another spade is returned by North. Win with dummy’s remaining ♠ K and cash the ace of trumps, and ruff a diamond in hand. Ruff your last spade with the ♥ 7 and ruff another diamond.

If both defenders follow it means diamonds are breaking 4-3. Now all you have to do is draw trumps, return to dummy with the ♣ A and cash the remaining ♦ A-8, discarding two clubs.

If by chance, diamonds break 5-2, South holding five, you won’t have been over-ruffed while you try to set them up and you will still have a chance to fall back on the club finesse.

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